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Center of Excellence for Recovery encourages professional prevention certification

Graphic for Prevention
The Marshall University Research Corporation’s Center of Excellence for Recovery (COER) is working with professionals throughout the state to expand the behavioral health prevention workforce. Marshall is hosting two informational sessions beginning Wednesday, April 7, on how to obtain a professional certification in prevention for individuals working in prevention settings, including:

  • Community coalitions
  • Health departments
  • Behavioral health providers
  • Youth-serving and other human services organizations
  • Faith communities
  • Primary, Secondary and Higher education.

Prevention professionals use programs and practices that have been shown by research to prevent or delay the onset of behavioral health disorders.

These sessions are being provided through a collaboration of COER, West Virginia Prevention First Network Prevention lead organization, and Lori Garrett Bumba, secretary of the West Virginia Certification Board for Addiction and Prevention Professionals (WVCBAPP). The sessions are free and open to individuals practicing prevention in any setting.

“Now more than ever, West Virginia youth and their families need prevention services that can effectively build their resilience to withstand the stress and turmoil going on in the world and their communities,” said Tammy Collins, Ph.D., family scientist and certified prevention specialist at COER.

The first information session, “Prevention Certification Overview,” will be held on Wednesday, April 7, from 3 to 4 p.m.  This session will review certification requirements as well as the application and testing processes.  The second session, “Certification Testing Preparation,” to be held Wednesday, April 28, from 3 to 4 p.m. will review materials needed for studying for the certification test.

“Professional prevention certification increases West Virginia’s ability to provide a highly skilled workforce ready to help West Virginia young people reach their full potential,” said Amy Saunders, managing director of COER.

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