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School of Pharmacy presents annual lecture in honor of founding dean

Marshall University School of Pharmacy will host its 2021 MUSOP-Yingling Lecture at 6 pm Tuesday, April 13, via Zoom. Jan Rader, chief of the Huntington Fire Department, and Michael Kilkenny, M.D., executive director of the Cabell-Huntington Health Department, will speak about substance use disorder, harm reduction, compassion fatigue and how COVID has affected efforts to combat addiction.

“This lecture series honors Dr. Kevin Yingling and highlights the important role pharmacists play in patient care and promoting healthier lives,” said Gayle Brazeau, dean of the School of Pharmacy. “It’s also an excellent professional development opportunity for health care students and employees in the Huntington area.”

Yingling, a pharmacist and physician, is a 1985 graduate of the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, former chair of the department of internal medicine, and founding dean of the Marshall University School of Pharmacy. He is currently an associate professor with the School of Medicine and an internist at Marshall Health. Additionally, Yingling is chair of the Board of Health for Cabell County and past chair of the Board of Directors for Cabell-Huntington Hospital and Mountain Health Network.

This virtual event is open to the public, but limited to 500 participants. Please contact Tiffany Davis at for connection instructions.