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New College of Engineering and Computer Sciences partnership aims to enhance co-op program

The Cooperative Education program in Marshall University’s College of Engineering and Computer Sciences (CECS) has established a partnership with CDI Solutions, a Philadelphia-based, full-service engineering provider that will help Marshall identify internship and co-op opportunities and facilitate the process if students are hired. Their assistance will benefit efforts to engage students in the CECS co-op program.

The co-op program links students and employers, providing students with paid, full-time experiential learning opportunities during their educational process.

“CDI will work with industry to provide human resource services to companies looking to hire Marshall University talent. The partnership with CDI will provide local opportunities as well as positions all over the United States for our students,” said Tanner Drown, co-op coordinator in the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences.

The partnership between CECS and CDI will “greatly expand the opportunities for cooperative education employment for our students,” said Dr. David Dampier, dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences. “It will open doors to opportunities that were previously hard to imagine.”

CDI Engineering Solutions ( ) has engineering centers located in Charleston, West Virginia; Louisville, Kentucky; Houston and Beaumont, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Midland, Michigan. It provides a full-service engineering offering to the chemical, petrochemical and energy industries throughout the United States, from conceptual to detail/design and construction management.

“CDI’s portfolio is ideal for internships and co-op and graduates alike to prepare the next generation of engineering talent,” said John Skaff, director of business development for energy, chemicals and infrastructure at CDI, and a Marshall alum. “And it’s an honor to have an opportunity to support the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences’ internship and co-op program.”

“We hope to expand the current success that Marshall has enjoyed by expanding the industry and geographic reach as well as identify the future engineers to join CDI in its engineering centers throughout the USA,” Skaff said. “This co-op program fueled a bigger passion to be a part of the Marshall University future.”

For more information about the co-op program in the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, visit