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Mays and Piatt win annual School of Pharmacy competition

Fourth-year Marshall University School of Pharmacy students William Justin Mays (left) and Elijah Piatt won the 2021 clinical skills competition sponsored by the Marshall University Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (MUSSP).

Mays, of Ironton, Ohio, and Piatt, of Wheelersburg, Ohio, competed with their Marshall pharmacy classmates in interactive, team-based analysis of clinical scenarios for hospital pharmacists.

In December, Mays and Piatt will compete against other pharmacy schools and attend a virtual meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).

“Each year it is a delight to watch our students compete and develop their clinical skills, and I am proud to have Elijah and Justin represent Marshall University in the national competition later this year,” said Chelsea Gresham-Dobly, Pharm.D., assistant professor at the School of Pharmacy and one of the MUSSHP faculty advisors.