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President-elect Smith to start listening tour Friday with student and faculty sessions

Marshall University President-elect Brad D. Smith will be kicking off his constituent listening tour this week with sessions for students and faculty!

All students are encouraged to join the president-elect at 10 a.m. this Friday, Nov. 12, in the Shawkey Dining Room, Memorial Student Center, for an hour-long discussion. The faculty session will be held from 3-4 p.m. in the same location.

In the sessions, Smith wants to hear what students and faculty think Marshall’s opportunities and challenges are in the next five years. Participants are asked to come prepared for a candid and free-flowing discussion.

Attendance in person is encouraged. No RSVP is required.

For those unable to attend in person, virtual participation via Microsoft Teams will be available at the following links:

Listening sessions with other constituent groups, including staff and administrators, alumni and community leaders will be scheduled for early 2022. For more information, contact