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Award winners, retirees to be recognized in general faculty meeting April 25

Awards of distinction will be presented and retiring faculty recognized during Marshall University’s spring general faculty meeting, which will take place virtually via Microsoft Teams at 2 p.m. Monday, April 25.

The meeting will include remarks from Marshall President Brad D. Smith and Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Tracy Christofero.

Two people will be given the Distinguished Service Awards.  To qualify for Distinguished Service Awards, persons must have at least 20 years of service at Marshall University, a record of distinguished service to the university and/or college, and a record of distinguished teaching as evidenced by peer, administrative and/or student evaluations. The Distinguished Service Award winners, each of whom will receive $1,000, are:

  • Scott Simonton, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences; and
  • Anthony Szwilski, Department of Applied Science and Technology, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences.

Three people and an additional team of two will receive the Distinguished Artists and Scholars Award. To be eligible for the Distinguished Artists and Scholars Awards, faculty members must either be tenured or hold tenure-track appointments. The purpose of the award is to recognize distinction in the fields of artistic and scholarly activity on the part of the Marshall faculty. The senior recipients of the Distinguished Artists and Scholars Awards receive $2,000 apiece, the junior recipient receives $1,000 and the team receives $2,000, to be divided equally among them. The Distinguished Artists and Scholars Awards will be given to:

Senior Recipients:

  • Dr. Wael Zatar, professor of civil engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences; and
  • Dr. Timothy Burbery, professor of English, College of Liberal Arts.

Junior Recipient:

  • Dr. Stefan Schoeberlein, assistant professor of English, College of Liberal Arts.

Team Recipient:

  • Ian Hagarty, professor of art and design, College of Arts and Media; and Daniel Kaufmann, associate professor of art and design, College of Arts and Media.

Two people will receive the John and Frances Rucker Graduate Adviser of the Year award, which acknowledges the contributions of Marshall’s outstanding graduate advisers. They are:

  • Huntington – Denise Chambers (School of Medicine)
  • South Charleston – Dr. McKenzie Brittain (College of Education and Professional Development)

The Sarah Denman Faces of Appalachia award will be received by Dr. Kelli Johnson, University Libraries.

Twenty-one retiring faculty, representing many years of service, will be recognized. They are:

  • Bonnie L. Beaver, professor of surgery, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine;
  • Charles N. Bethel, assistant professor of leadership studies, College of Education and Professional Development
  • Camilla Brammer, professor of communication studies, College of Liberal Arts;
  • Charles K. Braun, professor of management, Lewis College of Business;
  • Margaret Phipps Brown, professor of criminal justice and criminology, College of Science;
  • Linda S. Cole, instructor of communication studies, College of Liberal Arts;
  • David L. Cook, instructor of communication studies, College of Liberal Arts;
  • Janet R. Dozier, professor of teacher education, College of Education and Professional Development;
  • Lynne Edington, South Charleston campus library, Online Learning and Libraries
  • Nicholas Freidin, professor of sociology/anthropology, College of Liberal Arts;
  • Michael W. Gibbs, assistant professor of family community health, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine;
  • David L. Hatfield, associate professor of English, College of Liberal Arts;
  • James M. Lewis, professor of pediatrics, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine;
  • William M. McCumbee, professor of pharmacology, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine;
  • Karen E. Mitchell, professor of mathematics, College of Science
  • Gayle L. Ormiston, former provost and professor of humanities, College of Liberal Arts;
  • Isabel Pino, associate professor of pediatrics, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine;
  • Samuel Securro, professor of curriculum and instruction, College of Education and Professional Development;
  • Kathy L. Seelinger, professor of curriculum, instruction and foundations, College of Education and Professional Development;
  • Anthony B. Szwilski, professor of industrial and systems engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences;
  • Jack R. Traylor Jr., professor of surgery, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine;
  • Marie C. Veitia, professor and associate dean of student affairs, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine;
  • Thomas E. Wilson, professor of physics, College of Science.

Also recognized at the meeting will be faculty award winners, six of whom were announced earlier this week. They are:

  • Charles E. Hedrick Outstanding Faculty Award: Zelideth Rivas, professor of modern languages, College of Liberal Arts;
  • Marshall and Shirley Reynolds Outstanding Teacher Award: E. del Chrol, professor of classics, College of Liberal Arts;
  • Pickens-Queen Teacher Award: Bill Gardner, assistant professor of Forensic Sciences, College of Science; Dr. Pamela Puppo, assistant professor of biological sciences; College of Science; Dr. Stephen Young, assistant professor of criminal justice and criminology, College of Science; and
  • Council of Chairs Award for Excellence in Teaching: Ryan Lidster, instructor of modern languages, College of Liberal Arts.

Also to be announced are the Hedrick Program Grant for Teaching Innovation and the Hedrick Faculty Teaching Fellow.

All faculty, staff, students and members of the public are invited to attend the general faculty meeting, which  may be accessed at