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Marshall Board of Governors meets today

Marshall University’s Board of Governors approved the naming of the proposed academic health system to “Marshall Health Network, Inc.” at its regular meeting today at the Resort at Glade Springs.

Board members were told that due diligence procedures are now taking place, and a signing date goal of approximately Oct. 1 has been established.

In other board action, the Student Rights and Responsibilities were updated to include amnesty provisions regarding the personal use of drugs and alcohol for those who report or otherwise participate in a grievance process concerning sexual misconduct, alcohol or other drug violations. This is intended to encourage reports to be made.

The board also approved an updated policy on discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual and domestic misconduct, stalking and retaliation (GA-1) to reflect inclusive language, amnesty language for sexual harassment reports, higher education language regarding the instructional setting, and changing the Section 504 coordinator for students and employees.

Further updates were made to the naming policy (GA-10) and the policy on intercollegiate athletics (GA-7). A policy (GA-20) regarding Freedom of Expression on campus was tabled for further discussion.

Board members also received reports from Provost Dr. Avi Mukherjee, Student Body President Walker Tatum, School of Medicine Dean Dr. David Gozal, Shared Governance Committee Chair Dr. Robin Riner and President Brad D. Smith.
Smith told the board that the university is working on increasing its velocity, taking ideas from concept to implementation quickly. He reported that the university is laser focused on six areas of advancement: cyber security, health sciences, advanced manufacturing, advanced energy, aviation and entrepreneurship.

The board also approved a resolution allowing the president to proceed with naming discussions for baseball spaces.

Tatum and Kathy Eddy were officially sworn in as board members a