The sweat equity event is scheduled for May 14-17, as all members of the #MarshallUFamily, including alumni, community members, students, faculty and staff are invited to volunteer their time and effort for the beautification and betterment of the university’s campuses.
On Tuesday, May 14, children of all ages are invited to work alongside a parent or guardian, as many schools in the region are closed for Election Day. Age-appropriate tasks for younger volunteers have been designated for that day and would serve as an excellent opportunity for required school community service hours.
Businesses, organizations and groups are also welcome to sign up to work together.
The deadline to sign up and be guaranteed a T-shirt is Friday, April 26. Volunteers will also enjoy a free lunch on the day they serve and be entered to win door prizes. Volunteer shifts range from indoor to outdoor work, are 2.5 hours long and can be chosen at registration.
For more information or to fill out a volunteer form, click here.