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Dr. Vicki Stroeher recently named Marshall’s 29th Distinguished John Deaver Drinko Fellow

Dr. V. Stroeher
Dr. Vicki Stroeher, a professor of music at Marshall University, has been named the university’s 29th Distinguished John Deaver Drinko Fellow.  

The Drinko Fellowship is the university’s highest recognition for faculty and includes a stipend, re-assigned time from teaching and other financial and clerical support for two years. Drinko Fellows undertake research, special projects, or other scholarly pursuits on behalf of the university. 

“It is a great honor to welcome Dr. Vicki Stroeher to the ranks of the Distinguished Drinko Fellows at Marshall,” said Dr. Montserrat Miller, executive director of the Drinko Academy. “She is widely respected for her tireless dedication to our students, for her extensive and consistent service to the institution, and for being a consummate scholar on an international stage. Vicki is a role model for us all. She exemplifies why Marshall remains such a great choice for our students, why it is a great place for faculty to work and why the university was accorded the highly coveted R2 research designation by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.” 

Stroeher earned her Ph.D. in 1994 in musicology with a specialization in music theory from the University of North Texas.  She is the coordinator of Music History and Literature and program director for Marshall’s School of Music and serves as faculty advisor for the Marshall chapter of Delta Omicron International Music Fraternity. Stroeher has a long and impressive record of community outreach and engagement in her field. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in music history at Marshall. 

A recipient of the 2018 C.B. Oldman Prize that is awarded by the International Association of Music Libraries and Documentation Centres of the United Kingdom and Ireland, Stroeher also received Marshall’s Distinguished Scholars and Artists Award in 2023. 

Stroeher’s work on Benjamin Britten illuminates the way in which art music addresses the plight of the individual who is forced to confront war, nationalism, and other perils of modernity. According to Stroeher, Britten imbued remarkable “humanness in his music, expressing with it the very qualities that make us all human, from our innocence to our arrogance to our passion and our coldness.” 

Stroeher has edited two books about Britten, including “Benjamin Britten in Context,” along with Justin Vickers, as well as “My Beloved Man: The Letters of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears,” with Nicholas Clark and Jude Brimmer. 

She will present the results of her fellowship work at the university’s 2026 Drinko Symposium. 


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Leah Payne
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