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Marshall University and West Virginia Public Broadcasting announce partnership

Marshall University, on behalf of its School of Journalism & Mass Communications (SOJMC), and West Virginia Public Broadcasting (WVPB) are pleased to announce a new strategic partnership that will establish a collaborative environment for media education and content production. This partnership will see the opening of an official WVPB news bureau within the SOJMC building on Marshall University’s Huntington campus.

This new collaboration will provide WVPB with office space, technical support and access to the school’s state-of-the-art recording studios, allowing for the production of high-quality broadcast content directly from the university campus.

“This partnership with WVPB is a significant step forward for our School of Journalism & Mass Communications,” said SOJMC Director Dr. Rob Quicke. “Not only does it provide our students with unparalleled opportunities to engage with professional media production, but it also strengthens our connection to the community and the state by contributing to the vital work of West Virginia Public Broadcasting.”

As part of the agreement, WVPB will include SOJMC in the “West Virginia Morning” credit line, recognizing the school as a supporting institution. Additionally, SOJMC students will have the opportunity to submit news stories and content for consideration, further integrating academic learning with professional practice.

“We are excited about this opportunity to work with the students and faculty at SOJMC,” said Eric Douglas, the director of Broadcast Journalism at WVPB. “Re-establishing a bureau in Huntington will help us better cover the western part of the state. And getting the opportunity to work with upcoming students at Marshall is an added bonus for content for our broadcasts.”

Both Marshall University and WVPB are committed to fostering a collaborative environment that will benefit students, faculty and the broader West Virginia community.

For more information, please contact:
SOJMC: Dr. Rob Quicke, drector & professor,

WVPB: Eric Douglas, director of broadcast journalism,

Media Contact

Leah Payne
Director, University Communications
Marketing & Communications