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RCBI teams with WV Guard to expand economic opportunity

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The Robert C. Byrd Institute (RCBI) has joined forces with the West Virginia Army National Guard on a new initiative to expand advanced technology for military programs and increase U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) opportunities for state manufacturers.

By helping diversify manufacturing opportunities and strengthen the region’s industrial base, RCBI and the Guard hope to spur economic development, job creation and innovation in West Virginia.

RCBI has more than 25 years of experience working directly with DoD agencies and first-tier military suppliers in the development of manufacturing supply chains. Guard officials are working with RCBI because of its experience, statewide reach and its technology and expertise in advanced manufacturing.

According to Major Gen. James Hoyer of the West Virginia Army National Guard, “Working with RCBI will help will foster development of hi-tech capabilities throughout the Mountain State that will increase our military readiness and provide opportunities in advanced technology capabilities and manufacturing.”

RCBI is uniquely positioned to work closely with the region’s industrial sector to match the critical needs of DoD agencies and their primes to West Virginia manufacturers’ technical abilities. RCBI strengthens manufacturing supply chains across the state by ensuring technical resources are available to meet industry needs and DoD requirements.

“General Hoyer and the West Virginia National Guard realize that West Virginia entrepreneurs and manufacturers can play an increasingly larger role in supporting our military’s mission,” said Charlotte Weber, RCBI director and CEO. “RCBI will continue to expand its focus of bringing quality-based manufacturers together with appropriate DoD production, testing and prototype needs. We at RCBI are proud to join with the Guard in creating opportunities such as this to grow our state’s economy.”


The Robert C. Byrd Institute (RCBI) provides leading-edge equipment, specialized training and staff expertise so entrepreneurs and manufacturers of all sizes can innovate, create jobs and thrive.