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Marshall students taking careers for a ‘test drive’

Nobody would think of buying a car without first going on a test drive, so why not use that same approach when selecting a career? Several of Marshall University students are doing just that. The Office of Career Education is hosting an inaugural Career Exploration Experience, or CEE, job shadow event, which began Friday.

During CEE, students will be visiting approximately 20 local employers in industries such as business, health care, criminal justice, engineering and marketing. Students will be spending approximately four hours on site, allowing them a glimpse into a typical day on the job at these work sites. Both the students and employers involved have shown enthusiasm and are eagerly awaiting the job shadow dates, which will continue March 31, as well as April 5, 7 and 14.

“It’s very hard to pick a major or intended career path from Internet or other secondhand information alone,” said Denny Daugherty, major exploration consultant in the Office of Career Education. “When students are actually on site and can see the inner workings of the facility, they can get a much better look at what truly goes on and whether or not they view this career as a fit for themselves.”

The Office of Career Education is also using this opportunity to encourage the students to develop their professional skills, including appropriate dress, resume development, business communication and overall conduct in the workplace. Beth Waugh, senior career counselor, will be leading a series of professionalism workshops prior to the students’ arrival at their job shadow sites.

Student interest in CEE has exceeded expectations, and the Office of Career Education staff say they are excited to receive feedback about the event from both students and employers.  Current plans are to repeat this event each semester and that it will become an ongoing effort to aid students in choosing a career path that best aligns with their personalities, values, and personal goals.

If you have questions about CEE, please contact the Office of Career Education by phone at 304-696-2370 or 304 696-5810, or e-mail