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Student Health and Safety Week aims to arm students with knowledge

Beginning Monday, April 10, Marshall University will host a four-day Student Health and Safety Week to inform the campus community of best practices for optimal health and safety, as well as describe available resources to help them.

Cedric Gathings, vice president of student affairs, said students should always be aware of how they can protect themselves and where on campus they can go if they need help.

“Marshall has many people dedicated to the health and safety of students,” Gathings said. “It is imperative that students know that keeping them safe and healthy is a big part of what we are here to do.”

Monday’s kickoff event, “Chat with the Police Chief,” will feature Jim Terry, chief of the Marshall University Police Department, in a discussion and Q-and-A session beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center’s Shawkey Dining Room. Terry said the week comes at a good time.

“Warm weather means more accidents because more people are out and sometimes engaging in risky behavior,” Terry said.

“Incidents out of anyone’s hands can and do happen, but something as simple as traveling in groups can lessen the risk of potential danger,” Terry said. “We have to remind students always to be aware of their surroundings and to trust their gut.”

A Health and Wellness Fair sponsored by Student Health and Education Programs will take place Tuesday, April 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Memorial Student Center Plaza. Students are encouraged to drop in for games and activities and to bring a mat for group meditation at 11 a.m. on Buskirk Field. Student Government will hand out fliers with information about campus resources.

Staff members of Housing and Residence Life and Student Affairs will join students for one of the Huntington campus’ best-kept secrets—late-night ice cream at Twin Towers Marketplace. From 7:30 p.m. to midnight, Gathings said staff will be on hand in the hope that students will become familiar with the names and faces they can reach out to if they ever need help or guidance.

At 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, men will “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes”—literally. During this international men’s march, the aim is to have fun, walk a mile, and open the communication about difficult subjects to discuss: stopping sexual assault and gender violence. MUPD’s Sgt. Scott Ballou will be on hand before the walk, teaching the Rape Aggression Defense system from noon to 4:30 p.m. The event is sponsored by Marshall’s Interfraternal Council, Women’s Center, CONTACT, MUPD and Student Affairs.

“We want to provide students with the tools they need to live here or any other city in the world,” said Gathings. “Whether that’s practicing self-care or arming themselves with information, skills from the Student Health and Safety Week will be transferable wherever the world takes them.”

For more information about the Student Health and Safety Week, contact Lisa Martin, director of student conduct, at, or visit