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Three Lewis College of Business faculty honored for teaching, research and service

Three faculty members from the Marshall University Lewis College of Business have been honored by the college’s Faculty Awards Committee for their teaching, research and service.

Recipients of the awards receive a framed certificate and a monetary award in recognition of their achievements, according to Bob Simpson, interim dean of the college.

“We are very honored to award three very deserving faculty members that are dedicated to their profession,” Simpson said.

The winners are:

  • Sara Davis, instructor of marketing, who received the 2017 Robert Bruce Hayes Award in Teaching Excellence.
  • Dr. Nancy K. Lankton, professor of accounting, who received the 2017 Robert P. Alexander Award of Research Excellence.
  • Dr. Deanna Mader, professor of marketing, who received the 2017 Robert P. Alexander Award in Service.

The Teaching Excellence Award recognizes overall excellence in teaching by a business faculty member. Excellence in teaching is demonstrated by pedagogy that engages students in the learning process, creates an environment that stimulates intellectual curiosity and facilitates acquisition of knowledge.

Each year, the Research Award is presented to a faculty member(s) who demonstrates and achieves scholarly work as recognized by his or her peers.

The Service Award is presented to the individual who best exhibits outstanding service to the Lewis College of Business and Marshall University.

To learn more about the faculty in the Lewis College of Business, visit



Photo: (Left to right): Faculty members Sara Davis, Deanna Mader and Nancy Lankton have been honored by the college’s Faculty Awards Committee for their teaching, service and research, respectively.