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School of Pharmacy student receives award from U.S. Public Health Service

Elizabeth Canterbury, a school of pharmacy student graduating this week with her doctorate, has been honored with the United States Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Practice Award.

The award is given to students who demonstrate a commitment to pharmacy and public health.

Canterbury was nominated by the Office of Student Affairs at the School of Pharmacy for her specific involvement with Marshall Medical Outreach, a student-led initiative providing health care for the homeless and underserved in the region.

Canterbury, a graduate of Wayne High School, completed her pre-pharmacy studies at Marshall University, matriculating to the School of Pharmacy in 2013.  In addition to Marshall Medical Outreach, she has been active in the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, West Virginia Society of Health System Pharmacists, the Student Executive Council at the School of Pharmacy and Phi Lambda Sigma, a pharmacy leadership society.

After graduation, Canterbury will complete a postgraduate year one residency program at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Huntington.