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Scholarship in undergraduate nursing endowed by Jane and Lee Flower

Jane and Lee Flower have endowed the Jane Deacon Flower Scholarship in Nursing through the Marshall University Foundation Inc. The scholarship will support a full-time, undergraduate nursing major in Marshall’s College of Health Professions.

Jane Flower was accepted to the Marshall nursing program in April 1963 and graduated in 1965.

“Over the years, we have provided for three scholarships in honor of family members with close ties to Marshall,” Jane Flower said. “Several members of our extended family have earned degrees from Marshall, and their MU education was excellent. We continue to feel a closeness to the Marshall community.”

Lee Flower added, “We urge all students going forward in life to keep a healthy balance between career, family, and community service.  Jane always gave good advice to our children, which we can share:  Whatever you do, keep moving forward; a lateral is OK sometimes, but always keep moving forward in life.”

For questions about a student’s eligibility for the Jane Deacon Flower Scholarship, please contact the College of Health Professions at Marshall University. For questions about starting a scholarship at Marshall, please contact Krystle Davis at the Marshall University Foundation by phone at 304-696-6781 or by e-mail at


Photo: Jane (left) and Lee Flower have endowed a scholarship through the Marshall University Foundation Inc. for an undergraduate nursing major.