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Statement from President Gilbert regarding opioid emergency declaration

Marshall University President Jerome A. Gilbert released this statement following U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement this afternoon that he intends to declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency:

“I applaud President Trump’s intention to declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency. Here in West Virginia and Huntington we see the impact of this epidemic every single day. It is ruining lives and tearing at the very fabric of our society.

“This declaration likely will open up additional resources to strengthen prevention programs and increase access to treatment. Marshall University stands ready and willing to lend every resource at our disposal to assist our state and the nation in this fight. We look forward to working with our Congressional delegation and state officials.

“Marshall has a Substance Abuse Coalition made up of experts from across the university who have long been working on this problem. We have the knowledge and the experience needed to help address the epidemic.

“I am an optimist and feel certain that by working together we can have a major, positive impact on this problem.”