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Lewis College of Business launches new online MBA program

Marshall University’s Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program will offer a new online option in spring 2018. It will be taught by full-time university faculty and will complement the current M.B.A. offerings for working professionals.

Students will complete their degrees in two years with same academic requirements as those taking classes on a campus, according to Dr. Marc Sollosy, director of the M.B.A. program.

“A Marshall M.B.A. has always allowed professionals to advance their position, take on leadership roles, or improve upon business skills for today’s fast-paced industries,” Sollosy said. “We believe an online M.B.A. program will help our students balance work, family and education more successfully.”

Dr. Avinandan Mukherjee, dean of the college, said the Lewis College of Business has had many inquiries over the years for an online program offering leading to an M.B.A. He said he believes offering this option sets the college apart from other business schools in the state.

“We are one of only two AACSB-accredited institutions in West Virginia and by offering our M.B.A. online, we are giving students the same quality curriculum, but with more flexibility to complete the program and stay engaged with our award-winning faculty.”

The program is now accepting candidates on a rolling basis. To apply by Dec. 1, visit For more information about admission requirements for the M.B.A. online degree program, contact Sollosy by e-mail at or Wes Spradlin, associate director of graduate programs, by e-mail at or by calling 304-746-8964.

For more information on the online M.B.A. or other programs in the Lewis College of Business, visit