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Board of Governors receives update on provost search

At the Marshall University Board of Governors regular bi-monthly meeting yesterday on the Huntington campus, members received an update on the search for the university’s next provost.

Dr. Gayle Ormiston, who has served as provost for 10 years, announced in late September he would be stepping down at the end of the academic year to join the philosophy faculty.

President Jerome A. Gilbert told the board yesterday that a search committee comprised of 20 members representing Marshall’s students, faculty, staff and the community has been appointed and will ultimately recommend finalist candidates to him for consideration. He said some members of the committee were elected by constituent groups and some were appointed to the committee. Brandi Jacobs-Jones, chief of staff and senior vice president for operations, is serving as committee chairman.

The committee members and the constituent groups they represent include, in alphabetical order, the following:

  • Cara Bailey, Yeager Outreach Coordinator (Appointed by the President)
  • Michelle Barbour, Staff Representative (Office of Student Affairs)
  • Lacie Bittinger, Elected Staff (Colleges and Library)
  • Dr. Robert B. Bookwalter, Elected Dean (College of Liberal Arts)
  • Dr. Dallas Brozik, Elected Faculty Member (College of Business)
  • William “Tootie” Carter, Memorial Student Center Manager (Appointed by the President)
  • Sandra Clements, Community Member
  • Dr. Scott Davis, Elected Faculty Member (College of Health Professions)
  • Dr. Daniel Holbrook, Elected Faculty Member (College of Liberal Arts)
  • Matthew Jarvis, President of Student Government Association
  • Dr. Kelli Johnson, Elected Faculty Member (Drinko Library)
  • Dr. Cynthia Jones, Elected Faculty Member (School of Pharmacy)
  • Dr. Eldon Larsen, Elected Faculty Member (College of Information Technology and Engineering)
  • Dr. Steve Lawson, Elected Faculty Member (College of Arts and Media)
  • Dr. John Maher, Executive Director of the Marshall University Research Corporation
  • Dr. Kimberly McFall, Elected Faculty Member (College of Education and Professional Development)
  • Dr. Paige Muellerleile, Faculty Senate Chair
  • Dr. Carl Mummert, Elected Faculty Member (College of Science)
  • Dr. Mary Beth Reynolds, Staff Representative (Division of Academic Affairs)

Gilbert also said AGB Search was selected earlier this month through a competitive process to assist the university with the search.

“Our consultant, Richard ‘Dick’ Wueste with AGB, was here on campus earlier this week to do some preliminary legwork with the search committee and other campus leaders,” said Gilbert. “I am optimistic about the timeframe and parameters AGB is helping us establish. Dick and a colleague, Thomas Kowalik, will be returning shortly after the first of the year to kick the search into high gear.”

Gilbert added that the search timeline is ambitious, but that it is his goal to have a new provost on board for the start of the 2018-19 academic year.

The university has established a website at to provide information as the search proceeds.  

In other action yesterday, the board approved an intent to plan for a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree, and received an investment earnings update and a financial/budget report for the three months ending Sept. 30, 2017.

They also approved a revised policy setting forth the criteria for allowing sales of alcoholic beverages on campus. The policy was updated to be consistent with previous board action to permit the sale of alcohol at athletic events.