The Rappolds say they established the scholarship because they wanted to help West Virginia students have some of the same opportunities they have had in life.
“Our primary reason for giving to Marshall is that we feel a good education is often the key to a successful and happy life,” said Charles Rappold. “Because I had the advantage of a good education at Marshall, my wife and I wanted to assist, in some small way, others to have that advantage as well.”
Charles Rappold is a 1970 graduate of St. Joseph Catholic High School in Huntington and a 1974 graduate of Marshall University. After receiving his bachelor’s degrees in history and political science from Marshall, he attended law school at the University of Virginia. After completing his education, he worked as an associate attorney before holding a variety of executive positions at The Bank of New York for 18 years. In 2014, he retired from the Convergex Group as vice chairman and chief operating officer.
He added, “The best advice for today’s students is to think carefully about the career they might want to pursue after college, pick a major that will provide a solid foundation for that career, pick a minor that will provide some diversity to their education, and work very, very diligently.”
For questions about a student’s eligibility for the Charles and Victoria Rappold Scholarship, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at Marshall University. For questions about starting a scholarship at Marshall, please contact Krystle Davis at the Marshall University Foundation by phone at 304-696-6781 or by e-mail at