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Film studies program to screen student-produced movies

Marshall University will host the Second Annual Marshall Student Short Film Festival at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 11, in Room 154 of Smith Hall.

The festival will feature short films and videos produced by Marshall students, including animation, documentaries, episodes of web series, live-action narrative films, title sequences and video essays. The event is free and open to the public.

“This festival celebrates the phenomenal student filmmaking community at Marshall University,” said Walter Squire, director of film studies. “The diverse array of short films screened at the festival display students’ tremendous talent and creativity.

“Last year’s inaugural Marshall Student Short Film Festival was a great success, with 25 films made by 22 different student filmmakers,” Squire said. “This year, many more students submitted work, and 30 films by 30 different student filmmakers will be screened.”

The Student Short Film Festival is sponsored by the Department of English, Marshall University Film Studies Program and Marshall University Libraries.

For more information, contact Walter Squire, director of film studies and associate professor of English, at 304-696-2860 or