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John and Patty Anderson establish scholarship for College of Education and Professional Development

The Marshall University Foundation Inc. has established the John Spencer Anderson and Patricia “Patty” Hogg Anderson Scholarship to benefit full-time education majors within the university’s College of Education and Professional Development.

Inspired by the generosity of Marshall University and the personal involvement of their professors, the Andersons said they wanted to create this scholarship to help future generations reach their full potential.

“I received the Presidential Scholarship as an undergraduate student and a fellowship as a graduate student to teach at Marshall Lab School, which allowed me to obtain my Master of Education in 1965,” Patty Anderson said. “It is our hope that the next generation reaches its full potential and in that, comes to find themselves in a position to encourage and help the generations to follow.”

When asked what advice he would give to students hoping to pursue degrees in higher education, John Anderson said working hard and staying focused are the keys to success.

“Try to determine early on what path you want your life to take. You may need to make sacrifices along the way, but it will pay dividends in the end.”

John and Patty Anderson were both born in West Virginia and chose to attend Marshall. Strangers until they met at the Sigma Phi Epsilon Spring Formal in 1960, the couple has shared every dance since. In 1963, they were married at the Campus Christian Center on Marshall’s Huntington campus; one of the first weddings to be held there. That same year, both graduated from Marshall University; John Anderson with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and Patty Anderson with a bachelor’s degree in education. Both of the Andersons agreed that they have enjoyed watching Marshall become bigger and better throughout the years and they are happy to have a part in this growth.

“In our lifetime, we have seen Marshall grow from an institution with an emphasis on educating future educators to one noted far and wide for its programs in business, medicine and forensics, to name a few,” Patty Anderson said. “Marshall needs to keep exploring new programs with an attitude of ‘yes, we can do this.’”

For questions about a student’s eligibility for the John Spencer Anderson and Patricia Hogg Anderson Scholarship, please contact the College of Education and Professional Development at Marshall University.


Photo: John and Patty Anderson recently established the John Spencer Anderson and Patricia Hogg Anderson Scholarship to benefit students in the College of Education and Professional Development.