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Foundation establishes Harry J. and Shirley Cline Scholarship

The Marshall University Foundation Inc. has established the Harry J. and Shirley Cline Scholarship, per the wishes of Mr. and Mrs. Cline’s estate.

Through this planned gift, the Harry J. and Shirley Cline Scholarship was established to assist students enrolling in Marshall University from the watershed of Gilbert Creek in Mingo County.

Harry J. Cline graduated from Marshall University in 1956 with a bachelor’s degree. He served as the superintendent of the Mingo County Schools and was the former assistant superintendent and principal of Gilbert Grade School. Shirley Cline also graduated from Marshall in 1975 with a master’s degree in education.

Steve New, counsel for the estate, presented Marshall University representatives with a check May 10 at Mingo Central High School. Kyle Toler, a native of Gilbert, West Virginia, who plans to major in broadcast journalism, was named the inaugural recipient.

“I am beyond pleased that two lifelong educators have left a lasting legacy to promote education of youth from Gilbert Creek. Harry and Shirley taught many of us and generations of students in the Gilbert area. Their lives were dedicated to the education and advancement of young people,” New said.  “Through these scholarships, their memories will live on and young men and women will have an opportunity to gain a first class education and, hopefully, pay their rewards forward just as Harry and Shirley Cline have done.”

“We are honored that Mr. and Mrs. Cline believed their degrees from Marshall made such a difference in their lives that they planned ahead to ensure students from Mingo County the same opportunities,” said Dr. Ron Area, chief executive officer of the Marshall University Foundation. “We are excited for Kyle to begin his Marshall journey this fall.”

For questions regarding the Harry J. and Shirley Cline Scholarship, please contact Andrea Gilman, senior counselor at Mingo Central High School.


Photo: From left to right, Dr. Ron Area, chief executive officer, Marshall University Foundation; Steve New, counsel of the estate of Harry J. and Shirley Cline; and Kyle Toler, inaugural recipient of the Harry J. and Shirley Cline Scholarship.