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Apple ‘Swift Introduction’ workshop to be offered

Marshall University’s Weisberg Division of Computer Science in the College of Information Technology and Engineering will host a “Swift Introduction” workshop, led by Chad Reynolds, a national development executive with Apple.

Swift is one of Apple’s programming languages used to develop iOS apps, as well as apps for the Mac, Apple TV and Apple Watch.

The workshop will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27, in Room 3123 of the Weisberg Applied Engineering Complex on Marshall’s Huntington campus.  Twenty of Marshall’s faculty and staff, along with staffers of Apple Co. and Goodwill are expected to participate, along with 25 students from the Weisberg Division of Computer Science. The session will include a presentation by Reynolds and two hours of hands-on activities.

Apple has been working with K-12 and higher education to promote computing education in West Virginia. This workshop follows a meeting in December 2018 at Marshall that included a cybersecurity session prepared by Marshall computer science students, alerting Marshall’s chief technology officer, Allen Taylor, of the need to inform students at the K-12 and college level of their devices’ security vulnerabilities.

The workshop will take place in the Mac lab of the College of Information Technology and Engineering in the Weisberg Arthur Family Applied Engineering Complex.

“The workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to continue Apple’s partnership with the College of Information Technology and Engineering,” said Dr. Wael Zatar, dean of the College of Information Technology and Engineering. “Our students will receive instruction about many of the services that Apple could provide to enhance computing capabilities in West Virginia. Anyone who wants to learn about Mac X code and Swift is welcome.”

If interested, contact Dr. Wook-Sung Yoo, chairman of the Division of Computer Science at Marshall, at Seats are limited and priority will be given to faculty and staff at this time.