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Telemedicine services for high risk-pregnancies available at Marshall Health

High-risk pregnancy patients now have access to Marshall Obstetrics and Gynecology’s maternal-fetal medicine specialists close to home, thanks to the power of technology.

Using a real-time video conference in the office of the patient’s local physician, pregnant patients throughout West Virginia are able to interact with board-certified maternal-fetal medicine specialists David Chaffin, M.D., FACOG, and Kelly Cummings, M.D., FACOG.

Similar to a regular office visit, the video interaction may include an exam by the local physician or an ultrasound technician under the direction of one of the specialists. Through this technology, the local physician has the opportunity to be in a discussion on the findings, and the patient can have a consult without having to travel unless necessary to make a diagnosis or for treatment.

“Many women in the state, particularly those in rural areas, would have to drive an hour or two for access to this type of service,” Cummings said. “With the patient closer to home, her primary physician can help ensure the patient is adhering to recommendations to achieve optimum health results for both mother and child throughout the pregnancy.”

Both specialists are fellowship-trained in caring for women experiencing high-risk pregnancies due to advanced maternal age, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, preterm labor, placenta previa, miscarriage risk, carrying more than one baby and/or other conditions that could endanger the health of the mother or her baby.

To find out more information or make a referral, call Whitney Blackburn, RN, at Marshall Obstetrics and Gynecology at 1-833-649-3263 or 681-378-5437.


Photo: Kelly Cummings, M.D., demonstrates how through telemedicine she is able to view an ultrasound, guide the technician and discuss the findings with the patient and her care team in real time.