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Canady available to discuss panic buying, health behaviors related to pandemic

Whether personally infected by the Coronavirus or more indirectly affected, individuals experience a variety of psychological responses in the midst of a pandemic.

Marshall’s Dr. Brittany Canady, an assistant professor of psychology in the College of Liberal Arts, can speak on a variety of psychological phenomena and health behaviors that may arise. They include:

  • Fears related to food scarcity and food hoarding behavior.
  • The need to change the public’s perceptions of risk regarding food scarcity and panic buying.
  • Fears about exposure to the virus while shopping.
  • The less obvious outcome of people needing to learn new cooking skills because of social distancing.
  • The desire for comfort through food.
  • Cultural factors behind which foods shoppers are clamoring to find in different areas.
  • Keeping up physical activity during this time, particularly for couples and families.

Canady’s teaching interests include abnormal psychology and health psychology, and her research interests include couples, coping with illness and health behavior.  She can be reached at