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Lewis and Riedel win annual School of Pharmacy competition

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – Fourth-year Marshall University School of Pharmacy students Alexandria Lewis and Taylor Riedel won the 2020 clinical skills competition sponsored by the Marshall University Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Lewis, of Bluefield, West Virginia, and Riedel, of Huntington, West Virginia, competed with their Marshall pharmacy classmates in interactive, team-based analysis of clinical scenarios for hospital pharmacists.

“We are thrilled to represent Marshall at the national competition later this year,” said Lewis.

In December, Lewis and Riedel will compete against other pharmacy schools and attend a virtual meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).

“ASHP’s meetings are the largest gathering of pharmacists in the world,” Riedel said. “It’s virtual this year, of course, but we are still excited for the event and feel honored to compete against student pharmacists across the nation.”