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‘Women in Digital Humanities’ virtual presentation to feature alumna

Graphic for Women in Digital Humanities
Marshall University will host the virtual presentation, “Women in Digital Humanities: How a Woman-Led Firm is Designing for Social Change,” at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 30.

Marshall alum Jessica Vodden,  founder and creative director of Vodden Labs and Studio in West Virginia will host an online discussion, sharing:

    • Her path to owning an all-woman design and marketing firm
    • Her team’s innovative approach rooted in human-centered design
    • How leaders can create equitable and supportive professional environments.

The discussion is free and open to all. Register at

“I’m excited for students to learn from Jessica, who shows how women across disciplines can work together to achieve goals,” said Dr. Kristen Lillvis, director of the Digital Humanities program at Marshall. “Her team uses a behavioral approach, bringing in ideas from communications, marketing, and design to understand a client’s problem and then come up with solutions. Her way of working fits well with Digital Humanities, since she’s bringing together diverse disciplines and focusing first on critically thinking about a problem before engaging tech solutions.”

The online event is sponsored by Marshall’s Digital Humanities, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Women’s and Gender Center, and the Society of Yeager Scholars.