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Award winners, retirees to be recognized in virtual faculty meeting

Awards of distinction will be presented and retiring faculty recognized during Marshall University’s spring general faculty meeting to be held virtually Monday, April 26, at

The meeting begins at 2 p.m. and will include remarks from Marshall President Dr. Jerome Gilbert and Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Kristen Lillvis.

During the meeting, Marshall’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will announce the Hedrick Award, among other faculty awards honoring several additional faculty members.

Dr. Kristen Lillvis, professor of English in the College of Liberal Arts at Marshall University, will be awarded the university’s Dr. Charles E. Hedrick Outstanding Faculty Award for 2020-2021. Lillvis will receive $5,000 through a grant from Charles B. and Mary Jo Locke Hedrick. The award is named in honor of Charles B. Hedrick’s father, Charles E. Hedrick, a former history professor and later chairman of the graduate council, and one of the founders of Marshall’s graduate program.

Dr. Dan Holbrook, professor of history in the College of Liberal Arts, will receive the Marshall and Shirley Reynolds Outstanding Teacher Award. This award includes a $3,000 stipend, and all tenured or tenure-track faculty members who have completed six or more years of service at Marshall are eligible.

The Pickens-Queen Teacher Award will be awarded to Hanna Kozlowski, assistant professor of art, College of Arts and Media; Dr. Georgiana Logan, assistant professor of health sciences, College of Health Professions; and Dr. Roozbeh Ross Salary, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences. Each of these three award winners receives a $1,000 stipend. The award honors outstanding junior faculty. All faculty members teaching on a full-time, tenured or tenure track appointment who have completed one to five years of service at Marshall are eligible.

The Council of Chairs Award for Excellence in Teaching will be awarded to Shannon Miller-Mace, instructor of mathematics, College of Science. This award recognizes teaching excellence in Marshall’s full-time term and temporary faculty. Each fall, members of the Council of Chairs (excepting the School of Medicine) are permitted to nominate up to two candidates from a given department. A $1,000 cash award will be presented each year. Full-time term or full-time temporary faculty with at least two years’ full-time teaching at Marshall University are eligible.

Three people and an additional team of two will receive the Distinguished Artists and Scholars Award. To be eligible for the Distinguished Artists and Scholars Awards, faculty members must either be tenured or hold tenure-track appointments. The purpose of the award is to recognize distinction in the fields of artistic and scholarly activity on the part of the Marshall faculty. The senior recipients of the Distinguished Artists and Scholars Awards receive $2,000 apiece, the junior recipient receives $1,000 and the team receives $2,000, to be divided equally among them. The Distinguished Artists and Scholars Awards will be given to:

Senior Recipients:

  • Dr. David Trowbridge, associate professor of history, College of Liberal Arts; and
  • Dr. Komal Sodhi, assistant professor of surgery and biomedical sciences, School of Medicine.

Junior Recipient:

  • Dr. Husnu Narman, assistant professor of computer science, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences.

Team Recipient:

  • Dr. Robert Ellison, associate professor of English, College of Liberal Arts; and
  • Larry Sheret, professor and librarian, University Libraries.

The Center for Teaching and Learning annually funds an award of up to $5,000 for a project that will develop, implement, and assess a teaching innovation. Successful projects must meet two primary goals. First, this is a program-level grant. As such, the grant can only be awarded to a department/program or to a cross-disciplinary collaboration. The award winners are as follows:

  • Dr. Jill Underhill, associate professor of communication studies, College of Liberal Arts;
  • Hanna Kozlowski, assistant professor of art, College of Arts and Media; and
  • Dr. Megan Marshall, assistant professor of English, College of Liberal Arts.

The Hedrick Faculty Teaching Fellow Award for 2020-2021 will be awarded to Dr. Allyson Goodman, associate professor of journalism, College of Arts and Media. Made possible by a gift from Charles B. and Mary Jo Locke Hedrick, the $5,000 fellowship will give a full-time faculty member the opportunity to pursue a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project, collaborate with the CTL staff in shaping the strategic plan for campus-wide professional development for faculty, and develop a niche area of expertise in professional development, thus adding to the programming regularly offered by the center.

Three people will be given the Distinguished Service Awards. To qualify for Distinguished Service Awards, persons must have at least 20 years of service at Marshall University, a record of distinguished service to the university and/or college, and a record of distinguished teaching as evidenced by peer, administrative and/or student evaluations. The Distinguished Service Award winners, each of whom will receive $1,000, are:

  • Dr. Mike Castellani, department chair and professor of chemistry, College of Science;
  • Dr. Dan Holbrook, professor of history, College of Liberal Arts; and
  • Dr. Marjorie McInerney, professor of management, Lewis College of Business.

Twelve retiring faculty, representing 321 years of service, will be recognized. They are:

  • Dr. Neal Arneson, professor of curriculum, instruction and foundations, College of Education and Professional Development, 35 years of service;
  • Dr. Robert Behrman, professor of political science, College of Liberal Arts, 33 years of service;
  • Dr. Maria Burgueño, professor of modern languages, College of Liberal Arts, 25 years of service;
  • Dr. David Cusick, professor of mathematics, College of Science, 49 years of service;
  • Janet Dooley, professor of journalism, College of Arts and Media, 42 years of service;
  • Kelly Harlow, assistant professor of communication disorders, College of Health Professions, 19 years of service;
  • Dr. Dan Holbrook, professor of history, College of Liberal Arts, 18 years of service;
  • Mary Marcuzzi, M.D., assistant professor of family medicine, School of Medicine, 16 years of service;
  • Dr. Ruth Ann Murphy, professor of curriculum, instruction and foundations, College of Education and Professional Development, 21 years of service;
  • Isabel Pino, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics, School of Medicine, 29 years of service;
  • Randall Peterson, M.D., assistant professor of family medicine, School of Medicine, 3 years of service; and
  • Dr. Robin Walton, professor of nursing, College of Health Professions, 31 years of service.

All faculty, staff, students and members of the public are invited to attend the virtual general faculty meeting.