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Rushton named secretary for executive board of Council of Forensic Science Educators

Catherine Rushton
Dr. Catherine Rushton, director of Marshall’s Forensic Science program, has been named secretary of the executive board for the Council of Forensic Science Educators (COFSE), an organization of professionals teaching forensic science in universities, high schools and international institutions that aims to promote and exchange resources among those educating future forensic scientists.

Rushton, an assistant professor, has been teaching forensic science at Marshall for 24 years. She has served on the COFSE since 2012 and served on several committees and as vice chair of Delta Delta Epsilon, the forensic science honor society.

In addition, Rushton has given three lectures at COFSE-sponsored workshops at the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS) annual meetings, focusing on “Game-based Learning,” “Course Design” and “Evaluation and Survey Research.”