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Chapter recognized by national speech-language-hearing group

Old Main on Huntington campus
The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (National NSSLHA) has awarded the NSSLHA chapter at Marshall University with 2021 Bronze Chapter Honors.

Efforts made by the NSSLHA chapter at Marshall University helped National NSSLHA:

  • Increase awareness of communication sciences and disorders (CSD) on more than 135 local college campuses and communities across the country—primarily through virtual platforms;
  • Increase advocacy efforts by sending more than 9,500 letters to state and federal legislators;
  • Provide scholarships to students in CSD programs by contributing more than $24,000 to the ASHFoundation’s NSSLHA Scholarship;
  • Support CSD-related organizations by donating more than $64,000 and approximately 20,000 hours of chapter members’ time.

“I am extremely proud of the efforts of our organization and namely our executive board,” said Ernay Adams, clinical assistant professor of communication disorders and the local chapter’s faculty advisor.  “This is the first time we have received chapter honors in many years, if ever.  The executive board set this goal at the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester and receiving this achievement is very exciting.”

Executive board members included Allison Buroker, Marissa Chadwick, Katelyn York, Haley Black, Mikaela Clinton, and Kayleigh Coleman.

National NSSLHA chapter honors are awarded to affiliated NSSLHA chapters that demonstrate an outstanding effort to support National NSSLHA’s mission to inspire, empower and support students in communication sciences and disorders programs.

The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is the only national student organization for pre-professionals studying communication sciences and disorders (CSD) recognized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Established in 1972, National NSSLHA is headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, and supports more than 11,700 members and more than 340 chapters at colleges and universities nationwide.