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Entries being accepted for Creation in Confinement: Pandemic artwork, crafts and poetry

Marshall University Libraries is accepting entries for their annual art exhibition. The 2022 exhibition, titled Creation in Confinement, will showcase pandemic artwork, crafts and poetry.

“During the global pandemic, many turned to artwork, crafting and writing to process and endure the hardships of isolation and uncertainty,” said Sabrina Thomas, instruction and research librarian at Marshall University. “The goal of this exhibition is to highlight the creative works that grew out of the resilience of our community during the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Students, faculty, staff and community members are encouraged to enter works that were created during the pandemic. All types of visual media, with the exception of video, are welcome and artists may enter as many pieces as they wish for jurying.

“Creative expression as a form of self-care, therapy or extending their wellness during a traumatic time is not uncommon,” Thomas said. “The goal of this exhibition is to highlight the creative works that grew out of the tragedy of the pandemic to reveal the resilience of our community. We encourage artists, writers, and crafters to display their creations. We hope that by displaying these works we will encourage a creative spirit on campus and throughout the community.”

The exhibition will be open to the public Monday, Jan. 10, through Thursday, May 5, 2022. Submission drop-off is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, Dec. 2 and 3, in Drinko Library. The show prospectus and entry form is available at the Visual Arts Center and Drinko Library Circulation Desk and is also available for download at

For more information, please contact Thomas by e-mail at