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HLC Quality Initiative panel discussion on neurodiversity to take place Monday

As part of its Higher Learning Commission Quality Initiative, Marshall University will present a slide show and panel discussion on neurodiversity on Monday, Oct. 24, at 4 p.m. in Drinko Library room 138 on its Huntington campus.

The topic of the slideshow and panel discussion is “Exploring Neurodiversity within Complex Identities” and addresses how variations in neurology are a normal part of human diversity. The panel will feature members of the campus community who are neurodivergent, which includes people who have ADHD, OCD, dyslexia and autism. The panel will discuss how their conditions shaped their experiences on campus.

“Neurodiversity is an asset to our campus and community,” said Dr. Jill Underhill, associate professor in the Department of Communications Studies. “Diverse ways of thinking are valuable in all facets of life. Unfortunately, stigma and other unnecessary barriers often make it difficult for neurodivergent students to succeed on our campus. By listening to and amplifying their voices, we can begin to reduce the stigma around learning and thinking differences.”

The presentation is part of the quality initiative’s overall first-year theme, Complexities of Identity.

Media and the public are welcome and invited to attend. To view a livestream of the event, visit

To learn more about the HLC Quality Initiative at Marshall University, visit