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A.E. Stringer Writers Series continues Nov. 10

The Marshall University A.E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series will continue Thursday, Nov. 10,  at 7:30 p.m. in the Shawkey Dining Room of the Memorial Student Center, with readings by Dr. Forrest Roth and Dr. Tony Viola.

The two fiction writers and Marshall English faculty members will present readings from their new titles: Roth’s collection, Skeletal Lights from Afar; and Viola’s novel, All Lies Begin with Truth. The event is free and open to the public and can be accessed online at and at

Roth is also the author of a novella, Line and Pause, a prose poem chapbook, The Sullen Pages, and a novel, Gary Oldman is a Building. Roth’s short fiction has appeared in Noon, Denver Quarterly, Juked, Columbia Journal, Trnsfr, and other journals.

Viola is also the author of the novel The Art of Death. His short fiction has appeared in Pleiades, Gulf Coast, The Connecticut Review, Aethlon: Journal of Sports Literature, and Five 2 One Magazine. One of Viola’s stories was listed in “100 Other Distinguished Stories” in Best American Short Stories, and another story received a Pushcart Prize Nomination.

Dr. Rachael Peckham, professor of English and coordinator of the Stringer Visiting Writers Series at Marshall, organized the reading.

“It’s always a pleasure to be able to celebrate new books by our own faculty,” Peckham said, “and Forrest Roth and Tony Viola are two seasoned fiction writers and no strangers to the A.E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series. I know it’ll be a well-attended and enjoyable reading for all.”

The A.E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and the Department of English. For more information visit