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Rec the Halls aims to spread the holiday spirit

The Marshall Recreation Center and the Marshall University First-Year Residence Halls are striving to do something good this holiday season to help several local agencies and children in the Tri-State community through Rec the Halls with Holiday Hopes.

Rec the Halls with Holiday Hopes can be compared to an “Angel Tree.” The Rec and First-Year Residence Halls will have holiday trees full of wishes made by children from local agencies, such as Golden Girls, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Ronald McDonald House, A.D. Lewis Community Center and NECCO.

“Everyone gets excited for the holidays and the holidays are all about giving and spreading joy,” said Michele Muth, assistant director of marketing at the Rec Center. “Rec the Halls is a great way to give back and spread the holiday spirit.”

Wishes are hung on a tree in the lobby of the Marshall Recreation Center, as well as in the First-Year Residence Halls. Students and members of the community alike are encouraged to take a tag from the tree, purchase the gift listed on the wish and bring the gift back (with the tag that was attached to the tree) by Wednesday, Dec. 9.

“Stop by the Rec or one of the First-Year Residence Halls and you can help make a child’s wish come true,” said Muth. “Every year my kids get excited to pick out a tag and choose a gift for a child in need.”

A wrapping party will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11, to wrap the gifts for the agencies. Students and community members are encouraged to help.

Volunteers will be rewarded with snacks and drinks while enjoying each other’s company in a festive atmosphere.

Donations of wrapping paper and other supplies are needed and greatly appreciated.

For more information contact Dan Belcher at or at 304-696-4651.