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Over 100 West Virginia students to participate in second annual Science Olympiad, Feb. 20

For the second year, Marshall University’s College of Science is bringing the Science Olympiad to West Virginia.

The Science Olympiad, which organizers say is the “nation’s most exciting K-12 science competition,” will take place in West Virginia, Saturday, Feb. 20, on Marshall University’s Huntington campus. Winners of the West Virginia competition will travel to the University of Wisconsin-Stout for the national tournament in May.

Dr. Jennifer Mosher, assistant professor of biological sciences, and Melissa Fox, co-director, have served as coordinators of the West Virginia event. Mosher said 11 teams, grades 6 through 12, have signed up for this year’s event.

ScienceOlympiad1“We are expecting over 100 bright middle and high school students on campus who are excited about STEM and competing in the events which cover life sciences, chemistry, geology, engineering, astronomy and physics,” Mosher said. “We have doubled our team numbers this year with over eight different schools from across West Virginia participating in the 2016 Science Olympiad at Marshall.”

Last academic year, approximately 7,300 teams competed in the competition nationwide.

“We hope to expand next year and have regional events throughout the state, with Marshall hosting the State Finals,” Mosher said.

ScienceOlympiad2Teams will compete in a series of 23 challenges, with topics including entomology, fossils, crime science, bridge building and experimental design. Mosher said with the exception of the opening ceremony and the awards presentation, the events are not open to the public. However, media personnel will be provided guest passes to cover the event. For a full list of events open to the public, visit

For further information, visit the Science Olympiad website at, contact Mosher by e-mail at or by phone at 304-696-3637, or contact Fox by e-mail at To learn more about programs and services in the College of Science, visit


Photos: (Above) Students had fun with the Glider Construction challenge during the 2015 Science Olympiad at Marshall University. (Middle) Teams were given various challenges in the 2015 Science Olympiad at Marshall University. Two students are shown working hard during the Simple Machines challenge. (Below) Clara Poling and Shy Johnson participated in the Geological Mapping challenge during the 2015 Science Olympiad at Marshall University.