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C-SPAN records history lecture

A video team for C-SPAN’s American History TV was in the back of Dr. Kat Williams’ class today at Marshall University.

“We are always looking for classes that cover American history in unique ways,” said Jen Garrott, associate producer of C-SPAN’s American History TV.

A specialist in women’s history and the history of sport, Williams said history is fun and should be taught that way.

“History is not a simple collection of facts, dates and names, but is a messy, complicated, wonderful story,” Williams said. “And that is exactly how I teach it.”

Williams, who said the occasion was a personal honor, is the author of several articles and is nearing completion of her book, “Life After the League: The Real Impact of Playing in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.” She earned her doctorate from the University of Kentucky.

Williams’ lecture will air later this year on C-SPAN 3. The “Lectures in History” series is shown Saturday nights at 8 p.m. and midnight ET. Videos of past episodes are available on under Series: American History TV: Lectures in History. The series is also available via podcast on iTunes.

To learn more about Williams or Marshall’s history program, visit


Photo: Dr. Kat Williams lectures to her history class, which is being recorded for later transmission on C-SPAN 3’s “Lectures in American History.”