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Marshall to host Earth Day Celebration April 20

Marshall University’s Department of Sustainability will sponsor an Earth Day Celebration from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, April 20, on Marshall’s Huntington campus.

A variety of workshops will be featured with green and sustainable learning opportunities, according to Capri Billings, event coordinator and education outreach assistant for the department.

“Visitors both young and old will be entertained and engaged. Come celebrate the splendor, beauty and diversity of our planet, and help spread the environmental message of Earth Day,” Billings said. “We invite local organizations, groups and businesses to join us. We want everyone to share their commitment to our planet, and promote real action that will create a stronger, healthier and happier community.”

Events on the Memorial Student Center plaza will include:

  • Yoga on the Green by Gina Hart-Smith
  • The MU Garden Club will have terracotta pots for kids to paint and a marigold flower to take home with them
  • The Fourpole Creek Watershed Association will have information about their upcoming stream clean-ups, Adopt-a-Spot and tree-planting activities.
  • Herpetologist Larry Cartmill will have a West Virginia snake display, with several snakes and tortoises with him
  • The MU Native American Student Organization will have singing and dancing demonstrations to honor the Earth
  • The MU PROS (Parks and Recreations Organization for Students) will have a “camp site” along with environmental education information
  • The MU Unitarian Universalists will offer tarot card readings and runic divination with opportunities to make an herbal sleep pillow
  • Help For Animals will provide information about their low-cost services as well as the importance of spaying and neutering animals
  • Career Services will provide information about green job opportunities
  • Travis Bailey with Environmental Health and Safety will be giving guided tours of the new “Green Roof” on the Engineering complex, every hour starting at 10 a.m.
  • Viewing of the documentary “TRASHED” at Drinko Library, room 138, from 4 to 6 p.m.

Participation is free and the Huntington community is encouraged to attend. To learn more about Marshall’s Earth Day Celebration, contact Billings at or by calling 304-690-5611.


Photo: Marshall University takes pride in offering green and sustainable learning opportunities for its campus community through its 2016 Earth Day Celebration, held on the university’s Huntington campus.