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Marshall to host Stakeholders’ Engagement Conference

The Marshall University Lewis College of Business will host the inaugural Stakeholders’ Engagement Conference on Friday, April 15, to provide networking opportunities for the campus community and local business professionals.

The event is just one of many initiatives set forth by the college’s new director of stakeholder engagement, Glen Midkiff.

Midkiff, a three-time graduate of Marshall University, has over 15 years experience working in higher education. He said the stakeholder engagement conference would allow the college to strengthen engagement with a wide range of stakeholders to improve quality and impact of their programs.

“The purpose of this inaugural Stakeholders’ Conference is to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders – students, alumni, faculty and staff, employers, and business and community leaders – to identify benchmarks that will be utilized by the college to develop plans for improvements,” Midkiff said.

Midkiff said there is still space available for any stakeholder interested in attending the event.

“We will also discuss a performance dashboard for the Lewis College of Business. The dashboard will help us measure our performance, monitor our activities, analyze possible causes of problems and guide us to focus on the key issues.”

The inaugural conference will take place from 8 to 11 a.m., Friday in the Don Morris Room on the second floor of Marshall’s Memorial Student Center on the Huntington campus. Participants can RSVP to the Stakeholders’ Engagement Conference by emailing To learn more about the Lewis College of Business and their upcoming activities to increase engagement, visit online.


Photo: Since January 2016, Glen Midkiff has served as the Director of Stakeholder Engagement within the Lewis College of Business.