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‘Donning of Kente’ to take place Thursday, April 28

The Center for African American Students at Marshall University will conduct its annual Donning of Kente Celebration of Achievement at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 28, at the Joan C. Edwards Playhouse. Students who are participating in the ceremony should arrive in cap and gown at the Memorial Student Center at 4:15 p.m. to line up.

The cap-and-gown ceremony will begin with a processional that will include graduating students, university deans, faculty and President Jerome A. Gilbert. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Alan Litton, president and chief science officer at Rubberlite in Huntington.

“We take pride once again to bring to our campus and community the richness of this centuries-old and unusual ceremony,” said Maurice Cooley, Associate Vice President for Intercultural Affairs. “The Kente ceremonial tradition, with its roots in West Africa, recognizes an individual for his/her extraordinary accomplishments and brings to us the spirit of this culturally-based celebration.” Cooley emphasized that all Marshall and Huntington community members are welcome to attend.

The Kente cloth, which resembles a stole and is worn with the academic regalia, is a symbol of accomplishment that has its roots in a long tradition of weaving in West African countries. Marshall instituted this African ceremony with a tradition of presenting hand-woven Kente cloths to graduating students 15 years ago and approximately 70 students are expected to participate along with university deans, faculty and staff.

Cooley said the Donning of Kente Celebration of Achievement is one of the most prestigious and culturally significant events of the year.

African music will be provided by the Marshall University African Dance and Drum ensemble, directed by James Hall. A reception will follow for all participants and those in attendance.