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Simpson named interim dean of Lewis College of Business

Robert “Bob” R. Simpson, an instructor of accounting at Marshall University, has been named interim dean of the university’s Lewis College of Business, effective July 1. Simpson replaces Dr. Haiyang Chen, who will return to a faculty position in the college’s Department of Finance and Economics.

Dr. Gayle Ormiston, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, said a national search for a permanent dean will take place this fall.

“I am confident Professor Simpson will be able to lead the college in its transition from Dean Chen to the next permanent dean,” Ormiston said. “We want to thank Dr. Chen for his service as dean and for the leadership he has provided. We wish him the best as he returns to the faculty.”

Since August 2011, Simpson has instructed courses on accountancy and legal environment. Prior to his teaching position at Marshall, Simpson co-founded a CPA firm in Charleston from 1974 to 2007, which later merged into the firm Dixon Hughes Goodman, LLP.

Simpson said he believes the Lewis College of Business has a very prosperous future and will continue to serve its students and the surrounding business community.

“I am very excited about the path forward and about revitalizing the connections between the business community and the college, which I think will benefit our students, faculty and staff,” Simpson said. “I always tell my students, if you want to feel good about yourself, do something for someone else. This is my approach for the College of Business – the more we reach out, connect and serve our external community and those who employ our graduates, the more we can accomplish internally.”

Simpson earned his M.B.A. from Ohio State University in 1970 and his bachelor’s degree in accounting from Miami University in 1969. He is the recipient of the 2016 Robert Bruce Hayes Award in Teaching Excellence for the Lewis College of Business. He has also received honors as an Outstanding Accounting Educator and was given the Life Membership Award and Distinguished Service Award, all from the West Virginia Society of CPAs. He served as President of the West Virginia Society of CPAS from 1981-1982 and was a board member for seven years. Simpson was also the chairman of the West Virginia Roundtable, an organization of West Virginia business CEOs.

To learn more about Simpson and his role as interim dean for the Lewis College of Business, visit online.