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Board of Governors holds first meeting of fall semester

At its first meeting of the new semester, the Marshall University Board of Governors today received an investment earnings report for the second quarter of 2016, as well as updates on Marshall’s volunteer flood relief efforts and an internal review of the university’s student conduct procedures.

Brandi Jacobs-Jones, senior vice president for operations and chief of staff, reported that students, faculty and staff volunteered nearly 2,000 hours for the university’s flood relief initiatives, ranging from providing medical care to residents in flood-stricken areas to packing backpacks for children and collecting and delivering cleaning supplies.

“The fact that the university community really pulled together to get all this done, even during the summer when many people were out, demonstrates what it means to be a son or daughter of Marshall University. The Marshall family really showed up to help those in need,” she said.

The board also received an update on projected enrollment numbers for the fall. Final numbers will not be available until October, but officials said preliminary figures show enrollment is trending upward in at least two important categories—graduate students and international students.

The board also learned there are more than 50 students enrolled in the university’s new undergraduate class offerings on its South Charleston Campus. The South Charleston location previously housed primarily graduate courses but officials earlier this year announced plans to add undergraduate course offerings there starting this fall and targeted to Kanawha Valley residents who may not want to commute to Huntington or live on campus.

“We are pleased our undergraduate enrollment in South Charleston appears to have significantly exceeded our target for this first semester,” said President Jerome “Jerry” Gilbert. “I think the response shows there is interest in the Charleston area for the convenience and quality of a Marshall education.”

Gilbert added that the university’s retention rate, or percentage of students who returned to Marshall from last semester, appears to be up about two percent over this time last year, marking a seven percent increase in the retention rate over the last three years.

The board also received a brief update on a review of student conduct procedures. The review is being conducted at the request of the board and the president. An internal group of administrators has been meeting over the summer to review and amend procedures. The group expects to present any revisions to the board for approval at its October meeting.

As the last item on the agenda, the board met in executive session to discuss a proposed personnel policy. When the board reconvened in regular session, members voted to adopt the personnel policy discussed in the executive session, with the details to be made public upon approval of the appropriate state authorities.