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Marshall to host satellite location of climate engagement workshop Feb. 9

Marshall University’s geography department will host the satellite location of the Northeast Regional Climate Engagement Workshop for the 4th National Climate Assessment next week. The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, in room 402 of the Drinko Library on the Huntington campus.

The purpose of the workshop is to gather input from stakeholders throughout the region to inform the chapters of 4th National Climate Assessment, including topics such as water resources, agriculture and natural resources; oceans; coastal issues; human health; and built environment and urban issues.

Faculty members and other scientists who would like to attend at the Marshall location are asked to contact Dr. Kevin Law, associate professor of geography at Marshall and the West Virginia state climatologist, by e-mail at

Snacks and beverages will be provided at the workshop, but lunch will NOT be provided.