Located in Point Pleasant, W.V., Marshall University’s Mid-Ohio Valley Center (MOVC) registered nursing major leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Both the National League of Nursing and the American Nurses Association endorse the B.S.N. as the minimum requirement of professional nursing practice. The B.S.N. degree provides students with the education necessary to assume all types of roles in nursing including leadership, community health, and research; it also facilitates career advancement and flexibility, as well as exciting opportunities throughout the United States and across the world.

Please note that students are not guaranteed clinical rotations in their immediate location and may be required to travel to distant sites for clinical rotations.

Apply to MOVC Nursing Program

Find out more by visiting the Mid-Ohio Valley Center (MOVC) website.

Contact our nursing coordinator for MOVC:
Dr. Deanna Pope
Telephone: 304-674-7237
Email: evansd@marshall.edu