Education Emphasis

The Master of Science in Nursing – Nursing Education (MSN-NE) area of emphasis is 100% online and requires 36 hours of credit.
Three components of the M.S.N. Curriculum
1. The core curriculum component is comprised of twelve (12) credit hours that focuses on knowledge and skills related to nursing and related theories, leadership, advanced nursing research, and issues.
2. The area of emphasis component, which includes:
- The nursing education component (18 credits) provides an opportunity to apply advanced nursing knowledge to nursing education and to develop competency in the areas of educator, scholar and collaborator.
3. The elective component (3 credits) for the Nursing Education area of emphasis allows students to choose one of four options: 1) thesis, 2) role development courses in teaching, or 3) elective courses related to the student’s area of interest, or 4) organizational dynamics or financial strategies in administration.

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