Nursing, B.S.N.
Undergraduate Degree
Program Overview

The pre-licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) program at Marshall University prepares professional nurse generalists to work with individuals, families, groups and communities in a variety of healthcare settings. Located in Huntington, West Virginia, our undergraduate nursing program is available to qualified high school graduates, college students and college graduates. Graduates of the program are eligible to apply to take the registered nurse licensing examination (NCLEX-RN). For the last 3 years, our pass rate on the National Council Licensure Exam for RNs (NCLEX-RN) has been >90% with last year’s pass rate at 100%.

Marshall University’s baccalaureate nursing education provides exposure to various specialty areas in nursing including:

  • Critical Care Nursing
  • Medical/Surgical Nursing
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Maternity Nursing
  • Community/Public Health Nursing

Courses in nursing management/leadership, nursing research and evidence-based practice, transcultural nursing and others help prepare our graduates to be nurse generalists in an ever-changing health care arena.

Our nursing bachelor’s program includes a clinical practice component, which gives you the opportunity to apply your nursing theory and skills in real life situations. Clinical experiences will take place in local and regional locations. Additionally various clinics, doctor’s offices, health departments and schools are also utilized for clinical experiences throughout West Virginia and the Tri-State area.

The BSN program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.

Cheyenne Akers - Nursing B.S.N.
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Program Highlights

Exposure to many nursing specialty areas including critical care nursing, surgical, pediatric and maternity nursing.


Through agreements made by the program, students are able to take part in clinicals at most healthcare institutions in the region.

Multiple Locations

Nursing classes offered at multiple locations including Huntington campus, South Charleston campus (BA/BS to BSN program), Glenville State University Cooperative Program.

Career Opportunities
Graduates of the Nursing B.S.N. degree are some of the most in-demand nurses in the region. With a shortage of nurses throughout the country, students like you have an immediate opportunity for high-level employment upon graduation. Past surveys of nursing graduates have illustrated a nearly 95% rate in those that are employed in nursing fields. According to the U.S. Bureau Statistics, nursing is outpacing job growth by more than 10% compared to most professions.
  • Registered Nurse
  • Nurse Manager
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Nursing Director
  • Quality Assurance or Improvement Coordinator
  • Clinical Research Nurse
  • Case Management Nurse
Admission Information

Students may be accepted into the BSN Program two ways

  1. High school seniors: High school seniors with a minimum ACT composite of 21 (or equivalent SAT composite score) and HS GPA of 2.5 or higher are eligible to apply. Automatic acceptance is granted to those with an ACT composite of 24 or higher (or equivalent SAT composite score) and HS GPA of 2.5 or higher (pending available space). Successful applicants enter at the freshman level. Progression to the sophomore year of the Pre-licensure BSN program is contingent on completion of all required freshman-level courses with a “C” or better by July 15 the year the student is scheduled to begin the sophomore nursing classes. Students who, for whatever reason, are unable to begin the sophomore nursing classes as scheduled must reapply to the program.
  2. Current or previous college students: Current college students or college graduates with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher are eligible to apply. Successful applicants enter at the sophomore level. Applicants must have completed all required freshman-level required courses with a “C” or better, or be able to successfully complete these courses by July 15 the year of application. (Pre-requisite courses for sophomore year placement are:  ENG 101, BSC 227, CHM 205, CMM 213, BSC 228, PSY 201, and MTH 121 or 125.) Students who, for whatever reason, are unable to begin the sophomore nursing classes as scheduled must reapply to the program.

Read More about the BSN specific admissions requirements.

Apply to the BSN program.