Dr. Julia Spears- Assistant Provost of Online Education & Certification
- Spears, J. and Morrison, M., (March 2024). Advising & Mental Health: Bridging the Divide with Innovative Embedded Technologies. Mentoring and Advising Summit, University of Pittsburgh. March 2024.
- Belback, A., Shaw, C., Spears, J., Brenner, E., Robinson, C., & Johnson, L. (2024, Jan. 17). Advising for Student Success. 2024 UERU National Conference.
- Brad Smith, Julia Spears, Avi Mukerjee presented: Marshall for All, Marshall Forever: Marshalling Impact in West Virginia at the national meeting for UERU and AAC&U.
- Spears, J. and Futohi, O. (October 2023). From Gatekeeper To Champion: Gaining The Faculty Perspective To Facilitate Institutional Change. Online Learning Consortium National Conference, Wash, DC.
- Julia Spears presented “Microcredentials at Marshall University” at the West Virginia HEPC Chief Academic Officers Retreat. October 16, 2023.
- Penrod, J. and Spears, J., (October 2023). On-Demand and In-Demand: Marshall University’s Approach to Implementing HyFlex. EDUCAUSE National Conference 2023. Chicago, IL.
- Shaw, C., Vignare, K., Venit, E., Spears, J., Bin Wasi, S., (October, 2023). Designing Student-Centered Experiences in Postsecondary Education Inside and outside the classroom. EDUCAUSE National Conference 2023. Chicago, IL.
- Hortman, M., Chalex, J, and Spears, J. (September 2023). Driving Effectiveness and Inspiring Instructors with AI. Anthology national webinar.
- With Justin Louder. “Strategic Design of Alternative Educational Programs.” Anthology Together, July 2023.

Diana Adams- Senior Instructional Designer
- With Angelica Surra. “Reigniting the Ultra Fire – How We Went from Full Stop to Full Steam Ahead with Ultra!” Anthology Together, July 2023.
- With Eric Himes. “Considerations for an Enterprise HyFlex Implementation.” West Virginia State Conference, July 2023.
- With Sandra Stroebel. “HyFlex Pilot Experience at Marshall University.” West Virginia State Conference, July 2023.
- With Chase Lucas and Heidi Blaisdell. “Leveraging AI Design Assistant for Course Creation and Enhancement.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- With Shannon Miller-Mace. “Marshall’s Upgrade to Blackboard Ultra: A Phased Approach to a LMS Change.” WVROCKS Online Learning Forum 2024.

Chase Lucas- Instructional Designer
- With Diana Adams and Heidi Blaisdell. “Leveraging AI Design Assistant for Course Creation and Enhancement.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- With Laura Stapleton. “Bridging the Gap: Creating a Sense of Belongingness in the Online Classroom.” West Virginia Statewide Tech Conference, July 2023.

Dr. Heidi Blaisdell- Instructional Designer
- “I See You: Transparency as Care in Online Teaching.” West Virginia Statewide Tech Conference, July 2023.
- With Diana Adams and Chase Lucas. “Leveraging AI Design Assistant for Course Creation and Enhancement.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- With Sarah Mollette, Dena Laton, and Diane Palmieri. “Copyright Essentials for Faculty.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- With Mary Welch and Laura Stapleton. “Leveraging Faculty Liaisons for Innovative Online Learning.” WVRocks, May 2024.
- Blaisdell, H. A. (2024). The Right Time for Process(ing): Trauma-Informed and Student-Informed Care Pedagogy in FYC at the Two-Year College (Order No. 31148446). Available from ProQuest One Academic. (3053859107).

Hilary Gibson- Instructional Designer
- “Marshall Skills Exchange: Empowering the Workforce through Microcredentials.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- “Marshall Skills Exchange.” JFHQ-DODIN, May 2024.
- “Marshall Skills Exchange: Progress Report.” Microcredential Steering Committee, February 2024.
- “Marshall Skills Exchange: Microcredentials to Level Up Your Knowledge.” Ohio & West Virginia Statewide Blackboard Learn Day, November 2023.
- “Marshall Skills Exchange—Microcredentials at Marshall University.” West Virginia Statewide Tech Conference, July 2023.

Mary Welch- Instructional Designer
- With Michelle Morrison, Wendi Benson, and Shannon Miller-Mace. “Introducing the H.O.M.E. Framework: Designing Courses as Experiences.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- “H.O.M.E.: Humanistic Online Model for Engagement.” July 2023.
- With Heidi Blaisdell and Laura Stapleton. “Leveraging Faculty Liaisons for Innovative Online Learning.” WVRocks, May 2024.

Michelle Morrison- Senior Director of Student Engagement
- With Mary Welch, Wendi Benson, and Shannon Miller-Mace. “Introducing the H.O.M.E. Framework: Designing Courses as Experiences.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- Spears, J. and Morrison, M., (March 2024). Advising & Mental Health: Bridging the Divide with Innovative Embedded Technologies. Mentoring and Advising Summit, University of Pittsburgh. March 2024.
- Morrison, M. and Johnson, L., (March 2024). Transforming the Online Student Experience: Building an Online Student Engagement Team That Supports Online Student Success, Mentoring and Advising Summit, University of Pittsburgh. March 2024.

Lalicia Byrdie-Johnson- Student Engagement Coordinator
- Morrison, M. and Johnson, L., (March 2024). Transforming the Online Student Experience: Building an Online Student Engagement Team That Supports Online Student Success, Mentoring and Advising Summit, University of Pittsburgh. March 2024.
Faculty Liaisons

Dr. Wendi Benson- Faculty Liaison
- With Mary Welch, Michelle Morrison, and Shannon Miller-Mace. “Introducing the H.O.M.E. Framework: Designing Courses as Experiences.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.

Dr. Shannon Miller-Mace- Faculty Liaison
- With Mary Welch, Michelle Morrison, and Wendi Benson. “Introducing the H.O.M.E. Framework: Designing Courses as Experiences.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.

Dr. Laura Stapleton- Faculty Liaison
- “Level Up! Taking Discussion Boards to the Next Generation.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- “Utilizing Ultra’s Announcement Feature to Engage and Build Presence.” Marshall iPED, May 2024.
- With Chase Lucas. “Bridging the Gap: Creating a Sense of Belongingness in the Online Classroom.” West Virginia Statewide Tech Conference, July 2023.
- With Mary Welch and Heidi Blaisdell. “Leveraging Faculty Liaisons for Innovative Online Learning.” WVRocks, May 2024.