Ultra Training Opportunities
Are you Ultra ready? Get an early start on Blackboard Ultra with our range of training opportunities customized to different faculty needs.
Best Practices for Ultra Course Conversion
The Design Center has some tips for building your first courses in Ultra.
Marshall Skills Exchange
The Marshall Skills Exchange is a new Microcredentials platform getting ready to launch here at Marshall! We have a few pilot programs running right now including the Ultra Academy offered through the Design Center. Through the Marshall Skills Exchange, you will be able to take non-credit courses that can lead to a Microcredential and digital badge, which can be shared on LinkedIn or social media. Look out for more information soon about new Microcredentials that will be offered when we fully launch this fall.
The deadline for submitting an online course to be offered in spring is August 15th.

Faculty Spotlight:
Read about how Dr. Wendi Benson creates excitement in her online classes and why her students nominated her to receive a special recognition from the Center for Student Success.
Upcoming Events & Workshops:
Join all our trainings from our Distance Education Support Community on Teams.
Online Best Practices: Instructor Presence
When students see their instructors as real people, they are more likely to have a positive learning experience. Learn how Ultra tools can help you build human presence in online spaces.
Tech Tool Tip of the Month: Using Panopto
Learn how to create, edit, and link videos in your courses with this tutorial in our Teaching and Learning Knowledge Base.
In the Know: Course Availability
We’ll show you how course availability works for instructors and students.

Student Resources and Events, Info to Share with your Students:
All new students, including online and graduate, are invited to WOW this year.
Help students gain career experience and knowledge through Forage, virtual courses from industry leaders that align with NACE competencies. Learn more from the Office of Career Education.
The Marshall Online Team