IRB #2 (Behavioral/Social)

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The Behavioral and Social Science IRB reviews non-medical research that includes, but is not limited to behavioral, social, and environmental studies. Its members include representatives with a broad range of expertise. The Behavioral and Social Science IRB members who are faculty are nominated by the Deans of the schools or the department Chairs; they are appointed by the Director of the Office of Research Integrity.

(IRB#2 does not review VA Medical Center research or FDA-regulated research. Research under those two categories should be submitted under IRB#1.)

All research involving the use of human subjects subject to the Marshall University Human Research Protection Program MUST be submitted to an IRB designated by Marshall University for review and approval PRIOR to initiation of the project.

All submission forms are available on the IRBNet website, the system that is used for all IRB submissions. The IRBNet User Manual is available here and in the Quick Links on the right-hand sidebar.

Other Forms for Investigators

Protocol Flow Chart
Conflict of Interest Checklist (Researchers) (WordPDF)
Expedited Categories 1-9
Emergency Use Letter Template

Meeting Dates/Deadlines – Meets the third Wednesday of each month. Submission must be received 30 days prior to the meeting. 

Forms for IRB Members

IRB#1 Member List
Education Requirements
Conflict of Interest Checklist (IRB Members) (Word, PDF)
IRB Guest Non-Disclosure Agreement

Ethics Reports

The Belmont Report
Declaration of Helsinki
Nuremberg Code (Directives for Human Experimentation)


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46)

Additional Guidance

Guide For Determining When Protocols Involving Coded Private Information or Biological or Specimens Meet the Federal Definition of “Human Research”