Human Subject Research Requirements
Please read the Belmont Report, as it forms the basis of the Marshall University Human Research Protection Program. Once you have read the Belmont Report, select one of the courses below for the board to which you intend to submit. Everyone is required to complete the basic course, then every two years you will complete a refresher course. If you have completed the basic course and have forgotten your username and password, you can request that information on the CITI website.
CITI Registration Instructions for IRB#1 (Medical)
CITI Registration Instructions for IRB#2 (Social/Behavioral)
CITI Registration Instructions for other Available Courses
(COI) Conflict of Interest Course
(RCR) Responsible Conduct of Research Course
GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs O & Medical Devices (FDA Focus) Course
(IACUC) institutional Animal Care & Use Committee Course
(ERA) Essentials of Research Administration Course
(CRC) Clinical Research Coordinator Course
Chemistry Ethics Training Course
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for Engineers Course
Laboratory Chemical Safety Course
If you need further assistance, please contact the Office of Research Integrity at 304-696-4303 or